Leagues & Classes

Junior League 2024

Enjoy your horse or pony and your dressage journey.
Train, film, relax and D-stressage with us.

 Junior Online Dressage League for riders under 16

Choose your level and test from Walk to Novice 

Classes are split as

Walk and Intro 

Prelim & Novice 

Sections will only be judged as separate classes if there are 8 or more entries at that level and a total of 15 entries in total 

Overall Class Prize is kindly provided by Pony Passion

Click on the logo to visit their site 


To qualify for end of league placings you have to enter 3 months out of the 6 months that the league runs for. 

If there is a tie on points final placings will be determined by average score over the league.

Total percentage scored divided by the number of months entered.

For Horse & Rider combinations affiliated to BD  - Please enter the Affiliated League and Classes