Leagues & Classes

Dressage for a Cure Rider Rewards League 2024

Dressage for a Cure Rider Rewards 

Highest Score League

In support of  The Bone Cancer Research Trust

Would you like to help make a difference whilst doing what you love?

 £6 Per month to enter- £4 from each entry will be donated to the Charity 

Enter any of our main Classes as normal Then add the Dressage for a Cure Rider Reward Class 

League points will be based on the main class scores to create unique Rider Reward League

This League is running for 6 months from June.

Rosettes 1st to 8th Place each month 

End of League Champion & Reserve Champion Sash and Huge Rosette plus placings to 8th place


To qualify for end of league placings you have to enter all 3 months that  the league runs for. 

If there is a tie on points final placings will be determined by average score over the league.

Total percentage scored divided by the number of months entered.