Leagues & Classes

D-stressage Intro Restricted League 2024

 Intro Restricted Online Dressage League

For Horse & Rider combinations new to dressage.

  If you ride at Prelim level as well as Intro level please enter the Intro Open Dressage League.

Or if you have scored over 65% on 3 or more occasions whether online or out & about.

This League will run for 6 months


To qualify for end of league placings you have to enter 3 months out of the 6 months that the league runs for. 

If there is a tie on points final placings will be determined by average score over the league.

Total percentage scored divided by the number of months entered.



D-stressage Intro Open League 2024

Open Intro Online Dressage League & Classes


For Horse & Rider combinations who also ride at Prelim Level or who have achieved over 65% on 3 occasions at Intro either online or at a venue.

This league runs for 6 months.


To qualify for end of league placings you have to enter 3 months out of the 6 months that the league runs for. 

If there is a tie on points final placings will be determined by average score over the league.

Total percentage scored divided by the number of months entered.