We are delighted to welcome Jenny to our Judge Team.
Jenny is a British Dressage List 5 judge and currently in the process of upgrading to List 4.
Jenny’s love of horses stemmed from toddler age. As riding lessons were not affordable, she spent my time observing everyone else. At 16years old Jenny helped out at the local riding school in return for lessons. Here Jenny quickly progressed to exercising the hunters. Jenny went onto to train at York for school teaching and ran the college riding club.
Jenny purchased her first horse when she was 21 — Jenny describes him as being brave across cross-country and he excelled in working hunter classes. Jenny has kept her 3 horses throughout their whole lives, her son’s pony became a dressage project and they competed locally up to medium level, her thoroughbred mare was a keen learner and they competed up to PSG. Their strength was freestyle. Jenny retired her at 18 years due to a hock injury from the field. Jenny was then lucky enough to be given numerous horses to school at the yard where she was kept.
Jenny has been judging for 16 years. Jenny has spent time riding school masters to give her a better understanding of all the GP movements. Jenny believes that we never stop learning, that there is always something new and useful to learn that will help her judge better. Jenny is currently in the process of upgrading to next level.
Jenny loves judging especially online as she can give time to ensure that feedback is really useful. Jenny wishes it had been around when she was competing. Especially as it always felt like her purse dished out fresh air and dust when it came to organising transport to competitions and her mare always was more comfortable working and competing on home ground. Jenny believes that Online dressage is a fantastic development for all dressage competitors and we are excited and delighted to welcome her to our team. We have heard great things about Jenny’s constructive informative feedback and know her experience and insight will be really appreciated by our riders.